Division of Earth, Life, and Molecular Sciences (Doctor's Course)

Department of Chemistry

Our faculty members are recognized internationally for their research specialties both in the traditional areas -- physical, organic, inorganic, and analytical chemistry -- and at the interface between chemistry and other physical and biological sciences and engineering. Our graduate program is designed to provide broad training in fundamentals of chemistry and research methods.


Department of Biological Science

To reveal the fundamental principles of life, we study the structure and function of cells at the molecular level. We also study the developmental mechanisms of multicellular organisms and the regulatory systems for their physiological activities.



Department of Earth System Science

In this department we study aspects of advanced Earth systems science, including geosphere and atmosphere. Through these research activities, we educate graduate students who can contribute to the study of evolution and dynamics of the Earth system.

H2O leading to the generation of magma in deep parts of the Earth: highpressure metamorphic rocks (a) and a hydrous mineral within them (b)
Strong-motion simulation of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake
H2O leading to the generation of magma in deep parts of the Earth: highpressure metamorphic rocks (a) and a hydrous mineral within them (b)
Strong-motion simulation of
the 2011 Tohoku earthquake


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