As of March 2018
Research Area : Advanced System Safety Laboratory
Representative Publication :
- Haruo Sato and Masato Yoshii, “Analysis of Air Dose Rate Considered Change in Depth Profile of Radiocaesium in Soil,” Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Symposium on Safety, 2017 (APSS 2017), SD-03, pp.1-8, December 2017.
Research Area : Intelligent Robotics and Control Laboratory
Representative Publication :
- Yu Cui, Kenta Nishimura, Yusuke Sunami, Mamoru Minami, Takayuki Matsuno and Akira Yanou, “Analyses about Trackability of Hand-Eye-Vergence Visual Servoing in Lateral Direction,” Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 772, pp. 5 12-517, July 2015.
Research Area : Human Factors and Ergonomics Laboratory
Atsuo MURATA, Professor
Takehito HAYAMI, Senior Assistant Professor
Toshihisa DOI, Assistant Professor
Research Themes:
- Automotive Ergonomics
- Cognitive Engineering
- Safety Management
- Human-Computer Interaction
Representative Publication :
- Atsuo Murata, Takashi Kuroda and Waldemar Karwowski, “Effects of auditory and tactile warning on response to visual hazards under a noisy environment,” Applied Ergonomics, Vol. 60, pp. 58-67, April 2017.
Research Area : Production Intelligence Laboratory
Representative Publication :
- Ikuo Arizono, Yusuke Okada, Ryosuke Tomohiro, and Yasuhiko Takemoto, “Rectifying Inspection for PAOSQLL Scheme Based on Variable Repetitive Group Sampling Plan,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol.94, No.1-4, pp.145-154, January 2018.
- Shin Tsurui, Yasuhiko Takemoto, Ikuo Arizono, and Ryosuke Tomohiro, “Reconsideration of Negotiation Procedure for Buyback Contract in Supply Chain,” International Journal of Supply Chain and Operations Resilience, Vol.3, No.1, pp.34-55, September 2017.
- Tomoko Sakiyama, and Ikuo Arizono, “Can the Agent with Limited Information solve Travelling Salesman Problem?” Complexity, Vol.270, Article ID 9562125, 6 pages, April 2017.
Research Area : Intelligent Mechanical Control Laboratory
Kentaro HIRATA, Professor
Yukinori NAKAMURA, Senior Assistant Professor
Kunihisa OKANO, Assistant Professor
Research Themes:
- Control Theory
- Mechatronics
- Power-Assist Control
- Networked Control
- Formation Control
Representative Publication :
- Kentaro Hirata, Tomomichi Hagiwara and Atsushi Itokazu, “Numerical Methods for Spectrum Computation of Monodromy Operators Via Non-Causal Hold Discretization,” SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 45-53, February 2013.
- Yukinori Nakamura, Hiroki Kawakami and Shinji Wakui, “Bandwidth Expansion of a Pressure Control System for Pneumatic Anti-Vibration Apparatuses in Presence of Dead Time,” Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 1-13, July 2015.
- Kunihisa Okano, Masashi Wakaiki, Guosong Yang, and Joao P. Hespanha, “Stabilization of Networked Control Systems Under Clock Offsets and Quantization,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2017 (in printing).
Research Area : System Integration Laboratory

Research Themes:
- Fluid Processing Devices/Systems
- Soft Devices Including Artificial Muscles
- Flexible Mechanical Systems
- Micro Actuators and Sensors
Representative Publication :
- Takefumi Kanda, Masaki Yabumoto, and Koichi Suzumori, “A piezoelectric polymer cavitation sensor installed in an emulsion generation microchannel device and an evaluation of cavitation state,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.55, No.7S1, 07KE07 (6 pages), June 2016.
- Shuichi Wakimoto, Junpei Misumi, Koichi Suzumori, “New concept and fundamental experiments of a smart pneumatic artificial muscle with a conductive fiber,” Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical, Vol.A250, pp.48-54, September 2016.
Research Area : Mechatronic Systems Laboratory
Research Themes:
- Underwater Robots with Pectoral Fins or Four Thrusters
- VTOL Aerial Robots with Tilted Rotors
- Omnidirectional Mobile Robots with Active Casters
- Control of Mobile Robot Using Visual Odometry
- Motion Estimation by Image Processing
Representative Publication :
- Yin Yin Aye, Keigo Watanabe, Shoichi Maeyama, and Isaku Nagai, "An Automatic Parking System Using an Optimized Image-based Fuzzy Controller by Genetic Algorithms," Artificial Life and Robotics, Vol. 22, pp. 139-144, September 2016.