As of March 2018
Research Area : Experimental Planetary Physics
Masami KANZAKI, Professor
Andrew Philip JEPHCOAT, Professor
Xianyu XUE, Professor
Takuo OKUCHI, Associate Professor
Daisuke YAMAZAKI, Associate Professor
Shigeru YAMASHITA, Associate Professor
Takashi YOSHINO, Associate Professor
Akira YONEDA, Associate Professor
Matthew IZAWA, Assistant Professor
Research Themes:
- Development of high-pressure high-temperature generation techniques and application to planetary interiors
- Development of synthesis technique for large single crystals of the Earth’s mantle
- Determination of physical properties (elasticity, plasticity and transport properties) of minerals under high-pressure and -temperature
- Local structures of minerals and magmas (glasses) by spectroscopic techniques (NMR, Raman, IR, etc.)
- Crystal structure determination of new high-pressure phases by diffraction techniques
- Solution mechanisms for volatile species in magmatic melts and nominally anhydrous minerals
- In-situ observation and analysis of synthetic samples under conditions of planetary surface and interior
Representative Publication :
- Kanzaki, M., Xue, X., Wu, Y. and Nie, S. (2017) Crystal structures of two oxygen-deficient perovskite phases in the CaSiO3-CaAlO2.5 join, Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 44, 717-733.
- Casati, N., Kleepe, A., Jephcoat, A.P., and Macchi, P. (2016) Putting puressure on aromaticity along with in situ experimental electron density of a molecular crystal, Nature Communication, 7, 10901.
- Xue, X., Kanzaki, M., Turner, D. and Loroch, D. (2017) Hydrogen incorporation mechanisms in forsterite: New insights from 1H and 29Si NMR spectroscopy and first-principles calculation, American Mineralogist, 102, 519-536.
- Tomioka, N. and Okuchi, T. (2017) A new high-pressure form of Mg2SiO4 highlighting diffusionless phase transitions of olivine, Scientific Reports, 7, 17351.
- Yamazaki, D., Tsujino, N., Yoneda, A., Ito, E., Yoshino, T., Tange, Y. and Higo, Y. (2017) Grain growth of ε-iron: Implications to grain size and its evolution in the Earth’s inner core, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 459, 238-243.
- Chertkova, N. and Yamashita, S. (2015) In situ spectroscopic study of water speciation in the depolymerized Na2Si2O5 melt, Chemical Geology, 409, 149-156.
- Yoshino, T., Zhang, B., Rhymer, B., Zhao, C. and Fei, H. (2017) Pressure dependence of electrical conductivity in forsterite, Journal of Geophysical Research, 122, 158-171.
- Yoneda, A., Fukui, H., Gomi, H., Kamada, S., Xie, L., Hirao, N., Uchiyama, H., Tsutsui, S. and Baron, A.Q.R. (2017) Single crystal elasticity of gold up to ~ 20 GPa: Bulk modulus anomaly and implication for a primary pressure scale, Japan Journal of Applied Physics, 56, 095801.
- Izawa, M.R.M, Cloutis, E.A., Rhind, T., Mertzman, S.A., Poitras, J., Applin, D.M. and Mann, P. (2017) Spectral reflectance (0.35-2.5 µm) properties of garnets: Implications for remote sensing detection and characterization, Icarus, 300, 392-410.