As of March 2018
Research Area : Structural Materials Engineering Laboratory

Mitsuhiro OKAYASU, Professor
Yoshito TAKEMOTO, Associate Professor
Yoon-Seok Lee, Assistant Professor
Research Themes:
- Mechanical Properties of Engineering Materials
- Cyclic Deformation Mechanism and Fatigue Behavior
- Development of β Type Ti Alloys with Novel Functions
- Phase Transformation and Mechanical Properties of Ti Alloys
- Development of High Wear-resistant Al Alloys
Representative Publication :
- Mitsuhiro Okayasu, Kohei Bamba, “Domain switching behavior in lead zirconate titanate piezoelectric ceramics”, Scripta Materialia, Vol. 146, pp.272-275, March 2018
- Masataka Ijiri, Yuki Tomita, Takafumi Ishikawa, Kenji Kadowaki and Yoshito Takemoto, “Influence of Nb Content of Ti-xNb-7Al Alloys on β→α" Transformation with Tempering”, J. Japan Inst. Met. Mater. Vol. 81, pp. 345-351, July 2017
- Yoon-Seok Lee, Mitsuo Niinomi, Masaaki Nakai, Kengo Narita, Ken Cho, “Predominant factor determining wear properties of β-type and (α+β)-type titanium alloys in metal-to-metal contact for biomedical applications”, J. Mech. Behav. Biomed. Mater. Vol. 41, pp. 208-220, October 2014
Research Area : Applied Solid Mechanics Laboratory

Naoya TADA, Professor
Takeshi UEMORI, Associate Professor
Research Themes:
- Deformation and Fracture of Solid Materials
- Microscopic Deformation of Materials
- Simulation of Plastic Deformation and Plastic Forming
- Reliability and Strength of Electronic Components
- Non-Destructive Evaluation by Electrical Potential Difference Method
Representative Publication :
- Naoya Tada, Takeshi Uemori and Toshiya Nakata, “Elastic and Plastic Microscopic Undulation on the Surface of Polycrystalline Pure Titanium Under Tension”, Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, Vol. 139, Issue 6, 061403 (8 Pages), October 2017.
- Takeshi Uemori, Satoshi Sumikawa, Tetsuo Naka, Ninshu Ma and Fusahito Yoshida, “ Influence of Bauschinger Effect and Anisotropy on Springback of Aluminum Alloy Sheets”, Material Transactions, Vol. 58, Issue 6, pp.921-926, June 2017.
Research Area : Machine Design and Tribology Laboratory

Research Themes:
- Friction, Wear and Lubrication of High Functional Tribo-Material
- Design of Machine Element with High Load Capacity
- Development of Engineering Surface with Low Friction and High Strength
- Joining and Sealing Technology of Multi-Material
- Mechanism of Self Loosening and Seizure in Bolted Joint
Representative Publication :
- Ryousuke Ano, Masahiro Fujii and Hiroshi Ohsaki, “Observation of residual stress variation on rolling Fatigue of steel ball”, Tribologist, Vol. 61, No.6, pp.393-400, June 2016.
- Yuya Omiya, Masahiro Fujii and Yuta Shibai, “Sealing Performance Evaluation for Metal Flat Gasket under Leak Test with Platens”, Journal of High Pressure Institute of Japan, 2018
Research Area : Nontraditional Machining Laboratory

Akira OKADA, Professor
Yasuhiro OKAMOTO, Associate Professor
Togo SHINONAGA, Assistant Professor
Research Themes:
- Study on High Accuracy and Efficiency Electrical Discharge Machining
- Development of Novel and Functional Electrical Discharge Machining Method
- Development of High-Performance Laser Micro-Processing
- High-Efficient Laser Micro-Welding
- Smoothing and Surface Modification by Large-Area Electron Beam Irradiation
Representative Publication :
- Akira Okada, Atsushi Yamaguchi and Kohei Ota, “Improvement of curved hole EDM drilling performance using suspended ball electrode by workpiece vibration,” CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 66, No. 1, pp. 189-192, May 2017.
- Yasuhiro Okamoto, Kiichi Asako, Norio Nishi, Tomokazu Sakagawa and Akira. Okada “Effect of Surrounding Gas Condition on Surface Integrity in Micro-drilling of SiC by ns Pulsed Laser” Applied Physics B, Laser and Optics, Vol.119, No.3, pp. 509-517, March 2015.
- Togo Shinonaga, Akira Okada , Tomoaki Miyoshi, “Prediction of rounding phenomenon at corner tips in large-area Electron Beam irradiation”, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol.110, pp.18-26, August 2016.
Research Area : Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory

Kazuhito OHASHI, Professor
Hiroyuki KODAMA, Senior Assistant Professor
Takashi ONISHI, Assistant Professor
Research Themes:
- In-Process/On-Machine Measuring Technique in Grinding
- Grinding Mechanism of Difficult-to-Machine Materials
- High Performance Diamond Wheel
- Abrasive Machining for Surface Function
- Data Mining in Manufacturing
Representative Publication :
- Kazuhito Ohashi, Kazuya Tan, Tomoaki Ashida and Shinya Tsukamoto, “Quick On-Machine Measurement of Ground Surface Finish Available for Mass Production Cylindrical Grinding Processes,” Int. J. of Automation Technology, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 176-183, March 2015.
Research Area : Fluid Dynamics and Engineering Laboratory

Representative Publication :
- Anup Kumer Datta, Yasutaka Hayamizu, Toshinori Kouchi, Yasunori Nagata, Kyoji Yamamoto, Shinichiro Yanase, “Numerical study of turbulent helical pipe flow with comparison to the experimental results,” Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol.139, 091204-1. 2017.
- Toshinori Kouchi, Goro Masuya, Shinichiro Yanase, “Extracting Dominant Turbulent Structures in Supersonic Flow Using Two-Dimensional Fourier Transform,” Experiments in Fluids, Vol. 58, No. 98, 2017.
- Kazuhiko Yamada, Yasunori Nagata, Takashi Abe, Kojiro Suzuki, Osamu Imamura, Daisuke Akita, “Suborbital Reentry Demonstration of Inflatable Flare-type Thin-membrane Aeroshell using a Sounding Rocket,” Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 52, No. 1, 2015.
Research Area : Heat Power Engineering Laboratory

Eiji TOMITA, Professor
Nobuyuki KAWAHARA, Associate Professor
Kazuya TSUBOI, Assistant Professor
Research Themes:
- Combustion Diagnostics with Optical Measurement
- Gas Engine Combustion and Auto-Ignition
- CFD Simulation of Gas Flow and Combustion in Piston Engines
- Analysis of Turbulent Premixed Flames by Using Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) Database
Representative Publication :
- Kazi M. Rahman, Nobuyuki Kawahara, Kazuya Tsuboi a nd Eiji Tomita, “Combustion Characteristics of Wet Ethanol Ignited Using a Focused Q-switched Nd:YAG Nanosecond Laser,” Fuel, Vol. 165 (2016), pp. 331–340.
- Nobuyuki Kawahara, Shota Hashimoto, Eiji Tomita, “Spark discharge ignition process in a spark-ignition engine using a time series of spectra measurements”, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 37, Issue 3 (2017), pp. 3451–3458.
Research Area : Heat Transfer Engineering Laboratory

Akihiko HORIBE, Professor
Yutaka YAMADA, Assistant Professor
Research Themes:
- Desiccant Air Conditioning
- Water Vapor Sorption and Desoption Characteristics of Organic Sorption Material
- Heat Storage and Release Characteristics of Latent Heat Storage Material
- Static and Dynamic Wettability Characteristics of Structured Surface
Representative Publication :
- Akihiko Horibe, Hyeon Jang, Naoto Haruki, Yoshihiko Sano, Hiroaki Kanbara and Kazuo Takahashi, “Melting and Solidification Heat Transfer Characteristics of Phase Change Material in a Latent Heat Storage Vessel: Effect of Perforated Partition Plate,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 82, pp. 259-266, (2014).
- Than Tun Naing, Akihiko Horibe, Naoto Haruki, Yutaka Yamada, “Reduction of the Solidification Height of Phase-change Material in Direct-contact Latent Heat Storage Vessel”, Thermal Science and Engineering, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 19-27 (2018)